As you know, Felix and Chris moved in with us and it has been rad. I have come to the realization that Felix is irresistible to women, and yes men as well...
Felix is able to seduce the most seductive of all nationalities (discounting the French because im not quite a fan), the Italians...

This is Danielle the Italian im going to marry in the States so he can gain citizenship :)
Our roommate Chris and Felix also get along amazingly well....

And we all know he's always up for a good time...

In all seriousness, Felix is an amazing guy with an awesome girlfriend that Katie and I had the opportunity to meet when she came to visit. Felix is so adorably innocent, yet hysterically inappropriate when the time comes around. He truly is one of the nicest guys ever, unless it comes to killing bugs. Then he goes to Jenah (who is about 5'1'' and 100lbs) to do the job.
Chris is pure awesomeness as well. He's the kind of guy that you can tell is the youngest with older sisters. Hes always up for a cuddle...

I have kept saying I wanted to watch The Dark Knight because I have never seen it and Felix kept telling me it was on his computer and we were all FINALLY going to watch it, but FELIX then remembered that it was in German and I was totally bummed out. (How about that for a run- on sentence).
The next night Chris made me dinner, bought a cake AND had borrowed the Dark Knight (in English)! Sometimes it's the little things that make all the difference :) I've even watched, enviously, as he gave Katie a foot rub after she had a long day. Aw!
So, as to what has been happening lately, Katie went on a date with a forty year old. Awesome. The photographer that came into Ferrari called her later to find out about the lighting in the showroom in the morning and then proceeded to coerce her over the phone to set up a day and time for dinner. The day she was going out with him she looked at me and said "I literally have no idea how old he is. He might be forty and I don't remember what he looks like". Awwww haha. In the end she had a good time and had sushi for the first time a overall a good night. Unfortunately for him, that will be the extent.
I, under Katie's influence, got a little to intoxicated on Saturday and pulled a, what we will just call a "Jacque" and managed to lose my wallet, phone and yes, shoes. The wallet was returned however thanks to Facebook and the man told me that the found it on a sidewalk next to a bag that had shoes, and three bags of half eaten crisps in it...typical. I apparently just set them down and walked away. Really? Hmm.. Mom, dont be too proud, other parents might get jealous ;)
I also realized I can never ever be any type of famous because this blog will clearly be blackmail worthy at some points. Awesome.
Katie and I still miss Taco Bell with all of our SOULS. Katie still works about six days a week, I generally work five with some 14 hour work days in there. Vomit.
Today it is Mardi Gras which apparently is a pretty big deal down town and they do a parade and everything, however, today Katie has to work and I am going to the beach (yes, that's right. HELLOOOO Sunshine!) Then Katie will be going to the movies with her boss and I will be going to play laser tag, bowling and then we all are meeting up and going ...somewhere that has yet to be determined. I just remembered that I dont have shoes so most likley wont be going anywhere. Awesome.
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