Things we do not love this week and what is to come. ----
1. That we drove our Sarah to the airport today...back to England...I strongly dislike that place at the moment. What are we going to do without our only "respectable member of the community"!?
2. A cyclone is on its way. It should be here on Christmas day, which for us, is tomorrow. It will then rain the next 4 days. Thank you Henry for bringing this weather with you. Debbie= Sunshine.
3. People at local stores are currently being rude due to the high volume of stupid customers asking stupid questions. We, of course, are not those stupid people and our questions are not stupid. Love us for being intelligent.
4. That so much candy and cookies were brought by Katie's family....The Holiday season has really been felt around the waistline.
5. Working on Boxing Day, with a sale...where people will SURELY ask stupid questions about outdoor wear.
6. Handwashing dishes. All day long...dishes
7. Tiny refrigerators. Where shall I put these eggs? Or leftovers? And WHY do you leak all over the floor. Funny story..the refrigerator leaked and I walked into the kitchen and totally slipped. Yes, feet in the air landed on my but. Mmmhm. No one was home. I had to appreciate the hilarity by myself.
8. Freaking Debbie's 2 in 1 washer/ dryer. Sounds like a dream come true right? After paying 6 bucks to do a load of laundry... having it readily available seemed like the most perfect opportunity.... FALSE. Literally it took over 3 hours to do ONE load of laundry. It was also funny at the start Katie and Debbie thought I messed up the machine because it looked like there were bubbles in while the clothes were dry. No guys...I did not put soap in on a machine wash. (I really thought I may have though. Just my luck)
Things we LOVE!
1. The fact that it's now officially Christmas and we're sitting in the Groth's living room to their apartment 2 minutes from the beach while Debbie Katie and Ryan nurse their sunburns.
2. That we have cookies and candies that are making us fat! Wooo!
3. That we are watching a movie staring our BFF Russell Crowe
4. The book im currently reading "The Secret Servant"
5. Ice Cream
6. Hurricanes. Delic restaurant Debbie took Katie and I to.
7. Darling Harbour
8. Dates on the pier.
9. New drinking challenges at the Heartbreak Hotel...the epic tale of moving from Passion Pop to Vodka....
10. Getting mail. Still about the best thing ever. If you forgot our address...dont hesitate to ask.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
1. I just figured out how to allow EVERYONE to post comments. So if you have or have had something to say... please feel free. Unless it's rude. Then I dont want you reading this blog anyway.
2. If you would like to be emailed this blog when I post a new one automatically please let me know! Either through email or facebook or whatever and leave your email address. This may only apply to ten people though im sure not that many more would be interested. ;)
3. Again I apologize about the lack of apostrophes and commas. I get hyped up and all grammatical knowledge goes straight for the window. Thank GOD for spell check.
4. If you arent a follower...please, become one. Just so we know youre out there and showing some love. We appreciate you.
2. If you would like to be emailed this blog when I post a new one automatically please let me know! Either through email or facebook or whatever and leave your email address. This may only apply to ten people though im sure not that many more would be interested. ;)
3. Again I apologize about the lack of apostrophes and commas. I get hyped up and all grammatical knowledge goes straight for the window. Thank GOD for spell check.
4. If you arent a follower...please, become one. Just so we know youre out there and showing some love. We appreciate you.
Monday, December 21, 2009
"Have you girls ever been on a water taxi before? Want to?" Our Adventure with Russel Crowe
Being Katie's best friend definitely has its perks. Yesterday, was about the most RANDOM day anyone could ever have. I literally woke up this morning thinking...I cant remember what I did last night, not because I was hammered (though I wont lie to you, I was) but because I dont think my brain could process everything that actually happened. Here is our story....
The text message read "Russell Crowe just said hi to me!" Which was followed by a phone call that said "He bought me a coffee and I sat and talked with him and this famous rugby player!!Russell Crowe wrote Sam's number on a sandwich bag for me" My thought process... "Katie, you really are the luckiest person in the entire world" Sarah and I actually screamed into the phone like 14 year old girls at a Miley Cyrus concert. I informed her she couldnt go to the gym (which of course she did anyway) and had to come straight home and tell us all the details.
While we awaited her arrival Sarah and started making wedding plans. Apparently Sam Burgess

is one of the top rugby players from the UK and anyone who knows anything about rugby knows him. Of course Katie and I didnt. Anyway, Sarah and I were talking about how hilarious it would be if people started to ask how Sam and Katie met "Oh no big deal, Russel Crowe introduced them". What? Best story ever. We literally lamented our loss at not getting to meet him and how jealous we were.During this time Jenah came home from lunch with a friend and we had to regale her with Katie's went something like this:
Katie was sitting at the sandwich shop she goes to everyday for lunch.She was waiting for her order when she saw a cute guy walk in, she smiled, as per usual, and looked down. Then Russell Crowe walked up to her and said "Hello". After he walked by she texted all of us thinking that would be the extent of their conversation. RUSSELL FREAKING CROWE then walked back up to her and asked her where she was from etc. She responded and THEN he told her that his friend thought she was cute (the same friend indeed that she had noticed when he walked in) and asked her to join them. WHAT?. Naturally she did. They talked for awhile and Katie told us that Russell was the best wing man ever. He told her how Sam was from the UK and now plays for his Rugby team the South Sydney...Rabbitohrs? I believe. While Sam and Katie were talking Russell wrote down Sam's number on a sandwich bag and told her to call him. She said she would. Smart girl that Katie. Sarah was mortified that we might in the future get to hang out with a rugby team while she was at home in England...sometimes dreams come true Sarah, somtimes.
Katie did text him and they had set up to meet today aww :) Since none of us were working today we decided that we were going to go out hardcore in celebration of Katie getting bought a cappuccino by the man himself. Jenah and I are into doing really random things on random nights and seeing what happens so eventually we decided that we were going to dress up and go out in Darling Harbour. Somewhere that would probably be dead but Sarah, Jenah and I had splurged on bottle of vodka so we figured we would have a good time anyway. Poor Katie.
Dan, Katie, Sarah, Jenah and I caught a train to Townhall and walked to Darling Harbour and went into a random bar. Though, can I tell you that on the train ride Sarah was swinging around the poles inside the train? Our very own entertainment... the hidden talents that girl has ;)
We went into a random bar that I cant even remember the name of and sat down. Jenah and Sarah had some wine and Dan went out for a cigarette. When Jenah and Sarah were getting up, on their way to dance on top of some tables (yes it was one of THOSE nights) we hear a voice say "Have you girls ever been on a water taxi in the harbour?" We look up, and to our ASTONISHMENT Russell Crowe is standing before us...Jenah and Sarah say that we hadnt and he asks if we would like to. Yes, Russell, Yes we would. Then he recognized Katie and they had a moment. They hurried us onto the boat and we left Dan behind...SUCH douchebags...for some reason I think that was my fault. Idiot.
So the four of us get on this beautiful boat. Sarah, Jenah and I were, shall we say, feeling REALLY good so as we were getting on the boat you could hear Mr. Crowe saying "Easy, focus on a target. Look at a target and go for it". We made it on. We sat around this table and it was the four of us, Sam, another player from the team, I think his name is Nathan and two other rugby players who are apparently legends. Katie and I didnt know them either. There was also a waitress who kept bringing ou more and more alcohol (Sarah continued with the Vodka Diets and I continued with the wine. GOOOOOOD IDEA. Not)To be honest I cant remember what we talked about except that I was talking to Keith, Russell's "business manager"(aka personal assistant) and I kept trying to figure out what he actually did. Dry Cleaning. Anyhow, Katie and Sam were deep in conversation and Russell told them that if they had kids he expected one to be named Russell, I interjected "How about Russell Jacqueline?" Really? ugh.
While Katie and Sam were talking Sarah kept trying to get Sam's attention..."Sam, Sam...Hey hey Sam, Sam 'little wave'...SAM" He finally took notice of her and she just said "Gavin Henson and Charlotte Church?" (they are apparently famous people in the UK) He looked at her and goes "Yea, do you know them?" She looked at his with an expression of knowing and said "Yep". That was it..after ten minutes of work.
Something else to note...Sarah has a celebrity hysteria and anytime she sees anyone famous she basically cracks and goes ballistic, hyperventilating...the whole shebang. So this was a HUGE deal. Throughout the night she had to get pep talks from Jenah that went something like this "Sarah, youre ok, just keep it together a little longer and you can freak out when we get home. Youre doing good" And she did. But..she did get told of by Russell "Sarah, calm down. Just chill out". None of us can remember what she did to get this reaction. Hilarious.
The next thing I remember is getting off the boat and hearing Russell say, "Watch the wet step. Careful. The wet one watch out". You think im going to fall at this point dont you? NOooo I made it. Then we got in a taxi and went home.
I woke up this morning to find out that the boat had been docked because I fell asleep...on the table. Not sprawled out, but enough for the boat to be DOCKED. We also had been given food. At one point I had been passed out, Jenah had been shoving food into her face like a "savage" and Sarah was coming back from the bathroom walking like Godzilla because she was scared she was going to tip over because of the waves, yea...the waves. Russell came to her aid and helped her sit down. Aw.
But pooor Katie...her roommates go big one night not worrying about going to work hungover and we meet RUSSELL FREAKING CROWE and the guy she is going out on a date-ish thing with. WHAT? I also had LOST my wallet. Could not find it anywhere in the house and was convinced I had lost it on the way to get a cab. Katie called the driver and he said he would look. Katie calls me later to tell me that Sam had my wallet. Apparently, I threw it to Russell Crowe and had forgotten it. It went something like this...
Russel CROWE told me I should go have a look from the back of the boat and as I go over there he tells me to hand him my wallet so I dont lose it over the side(I feel like he really KNEW me) My response "Nope. You might steal something" What? Katie said "Jacque really?" (As in what the hell do YOU have that RUSSELL CROWE would want) and then she told me she would take it. I said"No, Ill give it to Russell" and I threw my wallet at Russell. Apparently he did steal it :)
All of this occured and NONE of us have a camera...which is probably better for us in the long run. Especially since when we got home Sarah BURST into tears. We're talking mascara all down her face, tears flowing like the Nile, screaming sobbing hysterics. Apparently she told Jenah she needed to go for a walk to get herself together. An hour and a half later Jenah and Dan found her in a convenience store fighting with the guy for giving her a faulty calling card(She needed to call and tell her Mum the news). When she had initially walked into the store the guy that worked there had been passed out (looking something like I did on the boat im sure) and so SARAH, before waking him, snuck a few candies and left the wrappers on he counter. The perfect crime.
The three of them walked back to the apartment and got home at like 5am. Jenah and Sarah woke up at 830am to go on a walking tour of Sydney. Well played.
Katie should be out with Sam right now...hopefully apologizing for my, tiredness, Jenah's starvation and Sarah's continuous star-struck expression....what a night. Happy Monday.
The text message read "Russell Crowe just said hi to me!" Which was followed by a phone call that said "He bought me a coffee and I sat and talked with him and this famous rugby player!!Russell Crowe wrote Sam's number on a sandwich bag for me" My thought process... "Katie, you really are the luckiest person in the entire world" Sarah and I actually screamed into the phone like 14 year old girls at a Miley Cyrus concert. I informed her she couldnt go to the gym (which of course she did anyway) and had to come straight home and tell us all the details.
While we awaited her arrival Sarah and started making wedding plans. Apparently Sam Burgess

is one of the top rugby players from the UK and anyone who knows anything about rugby knows him. Of course Katie and I didnt. Anyway, Sarah and I were talking about how hilarious it would be if people started to ask how Sam and Katie met "Oh no big deal, Russel Crowe introduced them". What? Best story ever. We literally lamented our loss at not getting to meet him and how jealous we were.During this time Jenah came home from lunch with a friend and we had to regale her with Katie's went something like this:
Katie was sitting at the sandwich shop she goes to everyday for lunch.She was waiting for her order when she saw a cute guy walk in, she smiled, as per usual, and looked down. Then Russell Crowe walked up to her and said "Hello". After he walked by she texted all of us thinking that would be the extent of their conversation. RUSSELL FREAKING CROWE then walked back up to her and asked her where she was from etc. She responded and THEN he told her that his friend thought she was cute (the same friend indeed that she had noticed when he walked in) and asked her to join them. WHAT?. Naturally she did. They talked for awhile and Katie told us that Russell was the best wing man ever. He told her how Sam was from the UK and now plays for his Rugby team the South Sydney...Rabbitohrs? I believe. While Sam and Katie were talking Russell wrote down Sam's number on a sandwich bag and told her to call him. She said she would. Smart girl that Katie. Sarah was mortified that we might in the future get to hang out with a rugby team while she was at home in England...sometimes dreams come true Sarah, somtimes.
Katie did text him and they had set up to meet today aww :) Since none of us were working today we decided that we were going to go out hardcore in celebration of Katie getting bought a cappuccino by the man himself. Jenah and I are into doing really random things on random nights and seeing what happens so eventually we decided that we were going to dress up and go out in Darling Harbour. Somewhere that would probably be dead but Sarah, Jenah and I had splurged on bottle of vodka so we figured we would have a good time anyway. Poor Katie.
Dan, Katie, Sarah, Jenah and I caught a train to Townhall and walked to Darling Harbour and went into a random bar. Though, can I tell you that on the train ride Sarah was swinging around the poles inside the train? Our very own entertainment... the hidden talents that girl has ;)
We went into a random bar that I cant even remember the name of and sat down. Jenah and Sarah had some wine and Dan went out for a cigarette. When Jenah and Sarah were getting up, on their way to dance on top of some tables (yes it was one of THOSE nights) we hear a voice say "Have you girls ever been on a water taxi in the harbour?" We look up, and to our ASTONISHMENT Russell Crowe is standing before us...Jenah and Sarah say that we hadnt and he asks if we would like to. Yes, Russell, Yes we would. Then he recognized Katie and they had a moment. They hurried us onto the boat and we left Dan behind...SUCH douchebags...for some reason I think that was my fault. Idiot.
So the four of us get on this beautiful boat. Sarah, Jenah and I were, shall we say, feeling REALLY good so as we were getting on the boat you could hear Mr. Crowe saying "Easy, focus on a target. Look at a target and go for it". We made it on. We sat around this table and it was the four of us, Sam, another player from the team, I think his name is Nathan and two other rugby players who are apparently legends. Katie and I didnt know them either. There was also a waitress who kept bringing ou more and more alcohol (Sarah continued with the Vodka Diets and I continued with the wine. GOOOOOOD IDEA. Not)To be honest I cant remember what we talked about except that I was talking to Keith, Russell's "business manager"(aka personal assistant) and I kept trying to figure out what he actually did. Dry Cleaning. Anyhow, Katie and Sam were deep in conversation and Russell told them that if they had kids he expected one to be named Russell, I interjected "How about Russell Jacqueline?" Really? ugh.
While Katie and Sam were talking Sarah kept trying to get Sam's attention..."Sam, Sam...Hey hey Sam, Sam 'little wave'...SAM" He finally took notice of her and she just said "Gavin Henson and Charlotte Church?" (they are apparently famous people in the UK) He looked at her and goes "Yea, do you know them?" She looked at his with an expression of knowing and said "Yep". That was it..after ten minutes of work.
Something else to note...Sarah has a celebrity hysteria and anytime she sees anyone famous she basically cracks and goes ballistic, hyperventilating...the whole shebang. So this was a HUGE deal. Throughout the night she had to get pep talks from Jenah that went something like this "Sarah, youre ok, just keep it together a little longer and you can freak out when we get home. Youre doing good" And she did. But..she did get told of by Russell "Sarah, calm down. Just chill out". None of us can remember what she did to get this reaction. Hilarious.
The next thing I remember is getting off the boat and hearing Russell say, "Watch the wet step. Careful. The wet one watch out". You think im going to fall at this point dont you? NOooo I made it. Then we got in a taxi and went home.
I woke up this morning to find out that the boat had been docked because I fell asleep...on the table. Not sprawled out, but enough for the boat to be DOCKED. We also had been given food. At one point I had been passed out, Jenah had been shoving food into her face like a "savage" and Sarah was coming back from the bathroom walking like Godzilla because she was scared she was going to tip over because of the waves, yea...the waves. Russell came to her aid and helped her sit down. Aw.
But pooor Katie...her roommates go big one night not worrying about going to work hungover and we meet RUSSELL FREAKING CROWE and the guy she is going out on a date-ish thing with. WHAT? I also had LOST my wallet. Could not find it anywhere in the house and was convinced I had lost it on the way to get a cab. Katie called the driver and he said he would look. Katie calls me later to tell me that Sam had my wallet. Apparently, I threw it to Russell Crowe and had forgotten it. It went something like this...
Russel CROWE told me I should go have a look from the back of the boat and as I go over there he tells me to hand him my wallet so I dont lose it over the side(I feel like he really KNEW me) My response "Nope. You might steal something" What? Katie said "Jacque really?" (As in what the hell do YOU have that RUSSELL CROWE would want) and then she told me she would take it. I said"No, Ill give it to Russell" and I threw my wallet at Russell. Apparently he did steal it :)
All of this occured and NONE of us have a camera...which is probably better for us in the long run. Especially since when we got home Sarah BURST into tears. We're talking mascara all down her face, tears flowing like the Nile, screaming sobbing hysterics. Apparently she told Jenah she needed to go for a walk to get herself together. An hour and a half later Jenah and Dan found her in a convenience store fighting with the guy for giving her a faulty calling card(She needed to call and tell her Mum the news). When she had initially walked into the store the guy that worked there had been passed out (looking something like I did on the boat im sure) and so SARAH, before waking him, snuck a few candies and left the wrappers on he counter. The perfect crime.
The three of them walked back to the apartment and got home at like 5am. Jenah and Sarah woke up at 830am to go on a walking tour of Sydney. Well played.
Katie should be out with Sam right now...hopefully apologizing for my, tiredness, Jenah's starvation and Sarah's continuous star-struck expression....what a night. Happy Monday.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
On Tuesday the 15th Jenah turned 23! So, since we are broke, we had to do something fabulous.
Sarah had arranged for Jenah's friend Brooke who is up in Brisbane to tell Jenah that she couldnt fly in for her birthday. Psyche. We had arranged for Brooke to meet Katie, Sarah, Jenah and I at the bus station because we decided to go down to Bondi for dinner. When we got to the station Brooke was waiting and Jenah was literally shocked. Brooke had walked in behind a group of other people so Jenah was quite confused for awhile as to what her present was...she seemed to think we had paid for her to have friends for a night, then Brooke appeared amongst the crowd! Hugs for everyone! Then we jumped on a bus and went to an Italian place for dinner called Papa Gregorio's...or something.
After that Jenah thought we were going home to change and then go to The Eastern for drinks because my manager at Capital Grill bartends there...Wrong again... we had planned for our friend Ali to pick up the keys from us earlier in the day (he just popped in to say Jenah thought) and he got to our place at about 9 to let everyone in for the surprise party. When we walked up the stairs to the house Jenah clearly went first because the rest of us couldnt find our keys... When we walked in it was silent and pitch black and I couldnt hear anyone and thus thought the surprise had failed somehow...the people started jumping out from all kinds of places and legitimately surprised all of us. I think Jenah peed her pants.
We all hung around the house and played some drinking games and the like. Jenah was given a fish by Ali...she named it Dan also moved in that day. Yay roommate! All in all, I think she had a much better bday than she thought she was going to.
Last night I was suppose to go out with some people from The North Face but decided to accept Katie's offer and go to dinner with her a her friend from Cal Pol. Caitlin is such a sweetheart! She randomly facebooked Katie saying she also was in Sydney and lives REALLLY close to us. We went to a Thai place called Thai Fire..something...I forget. It was rad. We talked forever and Caitlin is such a sweetheart. After, she took us to a Chololateria on Bondi beach and it was AMAZING. They literally having everything. We got churros that you can dip in milk chocolate, white chocolate or dark chocolate and a chocolate vanilla milkshake. I found Heaven and its filled with far too many calories. SO GOOD.
While we were eating two of our friends from the hostel came by and we all hung around and talked for awhile. Then...we went home :)
And we are SOOOOO EXCITED FOR KATIE'S MOM AND BROTHER TO COME SATURDAAAAYYYY!!!!!!! Then for Dad to come on CHRISTMAS EVE! WHoooooooooo0o0o0o0o!! xoxo
Sarah had arranged for Jenah's friend Brooke who is up in Brisbane to tell Jenah that she couldnt fly in for her birthday. Psyche. We had arranged for Brooke to meet Katie, Sarah, Jenah and I at the bus station because we decided to go down to Bondi for dinner. When we got to the station Brooke was waiting and Jenah was literally shocked. Brooke had walked in behind a group of other people so Jenah was quite confused for awhile as to what her present was...she seemed to think we had paid for her to have friends for a night, then Brooke appeared amongst the crowd! Hugs for everyone! Then we jumped on a bus and went to an Italian place for dinner called Papa Gregorio's...or something.
After that Jenah thought we were going home to change and then go to The Eastern for drinks because my manager at Capital Grill bartends there...Wrong again... we had planned for our friend Ali to pick up the keys from us earlier in the day (he just popped in to say Jenah thought) and he got to our place at about 9 to let everyone in for the surprise party. When we walked up the stairs to the house Jenah clearly went first because the rest of us couldnt find our keys... When we walked in it was silent and pitch black and I couldnt hear anyone and thus thought the surprise had failed somehow...the people started jumping out from all kinds of places and legitimately surprised all of us. I think Jenah peed her pants.
We all hung around the house and played some drinking games and the like. Jenah was given a fish by Ali...she named it Dan also moved in that day. Yay roommate! All in all, I think she had a much better bday than she thought she was going to.
Last night I was suppose to go out with some people from The North Face but decided to accept Katie's offer and go to dinner with her a her friend from Cal Pol. Caitlin is such a sweetheart! She randomly facebooked Katie saying she also was in Sydney and lives REALLLY close to us. We went to a Thai place called Thai Fire..something...I forget. It was rad. We talked forever and Caitlin is such a sweetheart. After, she took us to a Chololateria on Bondi beach and it was AMAZING. They literally having everything. We got churros that you can dip in milk chocolate, white chocolate or dark chocolate and a chocolate vanilla milkshake. I found Heaven and its filled with far too many calories. SO GOOD.
While we were eating two of our friends from the hostel came by and we all hung around and talked for awhile. Then...we went home :)
And we are SOOOOO EXCITED FOR KATIE'S MOM AND BROTHER TO COME SATURDAAAAYYYY!!!!!!! Then for Dad to come on CHRISTMAS EVE! WHoooooooooo0o0o0o0o!! xoxo
Friday, December 11, 2009
Saturday Slamdown
Things we are NOT too excited about...
-Laundrettes...doing laundry here is so expensive. Katie has also been known to take her laundry on the train to do it near her work, she does NOT like that. :)
-7:30 am shift at the new restaurant. My manger told me I would be working those shifts because I have "a very friendly and bubbly personality". He thinks im always happy...he has yet to see me at 7 in the morning.
-The show Ready Steady Cook. The host could NOT be more condescending or irritating.
-Sunburns. You blink here and youre burnt to a crisp.
-The graphic nature of the commercials. There is this diaper or "nappie" commercial and this kid has explosive diarrhea in the car and you see it from outside and it just COVERS all the inside of the another one they show skin cancer and it moving through your body...I dont like that one because it's true and hits a little close to home. "There's nothing healthy about a tan"
-Children that dont look where they are going and slam into my knees, then look at me and cry like its my fault. Kid, Im the one with bad knees and you have a hard forehead. Youre can bounce back. Im a sixty year old in a 22 year old body. Im going down quick. Slow down when in supermarkets.
Things we love!
-Nando's Extra Spicy Sauce. I LOVE it and went through a whole bottle in two days.
-City Gym, where Katie works out. Apparently the people are great and she ran six miles yesterday.
-Free Internet at McDonald's by our apartment. The view from up here is AMAZING.
-The show White Collar.
-Glee...also a fabulous show. Season finale tomorrow. Whooooo
-The movie Football Factory. Danny Dyer is adorable
-Scotch Fingers, this like shortbread cookie, dipped in tea. Im pretty sure Katie ate a whole bag in one sitting. Amen for City Gym. (Just kidding, I love you)
-La Roux's Bulletproof. RAD SONG.
-Cooper Park, which is right around the corner from our apartment. It's really cool because its like being in the Santa Cruz mountains in the middle of Bondi. Its not huge but its really quiet and relaxing. I run through there now..well maybe not anymore as Jenah was walking there and looked down and there was a huge green snake next to her foot...I may find a new path now. Or another hobby...its far to hot to RUN here. Ironic, I swam in MICHIGAN and run in Australia.Idiot.
-Robert Palmer's song "I Woke up Laughing". Its a feel good song. Sarah thinks the background music sounds like a ringtone. Surprisingly, it doesnt irritate me.
And that is this weeks Slamdown. PS... I know it's two words but I like it as one.
-Laundrettes...doing laundry here is so expensive. Katie has also been known to take her laundry on the train to do it near her work, she does NOT like that. :)
-7:30 am shift at the new restaurant. My manger told me I would be working those shifts because I have "a very friendly and bubbly personality". He thinks im always happy...he has yet to see me at 7 in the morning.
-The show Ready Steady Cook. The host could NOT be more condescending or irritating.
-Sunburns. You blink here and youre burnt to a crisp.
-The graphic nature of the commercials. There is this diaper or "nappie" commercial and this kid has explosive diarrhea in the car and you see it from outside and it just COVERS all the inside of the another one they show skin cancer and it moving through your body...I dont like that one because it's true and hits a little close to home. "There's nothing healthy about a tan"
-Children that dont look where they are going and slam into my knees, then look at me and cry like its my fault. Kid, Im the one with bad knees and you have a hard forehead. Youre can bounce back. Im a sixty year old in a 22 year old body. Im going down quick. Slow down when in supermarkets.
Things we love!
-Nando's Extra Spicy Sauce. I LOVE it and went through a whole bottle in two days.
-City Gym, where Katie works out. Apparently the people are great and she ran six miles yesterday.
-Free Internet at McDonald's by our apartment. The view from up here is AMAZING.
-The show White Collar.
-Glee...also a fabulous show. Season finale tomorrow. Whooooo
-The movie Football Factory. Danny Dyer is adorable
-Scotch Fingers, this like shortbread cookie, dipped in tea. Im pretty sure Katie ate a whole bag in one sitting. Amen for City Gym. (Just kidding, I love you)
-La Roux's Bulletproof. RAD SONG.
-Cooper Park, which is right around the corner from our apartment. It's really cool because its like being in the Santa Cruz mountains in the middle of Bondi. Its not huge but its really quiet and relaxing. I run through there now..well maybe not anymore as Jenah was walking there and looked down and there was a huge green snake next to her foot...I may find a new path now. Or another hobby...its far to hot to RUN here. Ironic, I swam in MICHIGAN and run in Australia.Idiot.
-Robert Palmer's song "I Woke up Laughing". Its a feel good song. Sarah thinks the background music sounds like a ringtone. Surprisingly, it doesnt irritate me.
And that is this weeks Slamdown. PS... I know it's two words but I like it as one.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Good Night/Bad News/ Mad Money
Nothing too interesting has been going on with the traveling front as Jenah and I are just getting under way with our jobs and are trying to save so we can actually go places with Katie but our nights out (where WE havent spent any money) have been really good.
Last night we went downtown to this place called The Ivy

which has won a bunch of awards. Sarah and I took the train and met Jenah, who was coming from work and then walked over to the Ivy where Katie was waiting for us with one of her coworkers Billy, who seems so sweet from the two seconds I talked to her. The setting is really great at this place, you walk in into a large courtyard and there is big tree in the middle of the floor and you look up and its actually outside. The crowd was very corporate with most of the men in button ups and suit pants etc. The middle of the floor turned into a dance stage kind of deal and there were two bars downstairs. If you went up the spiral staircase there was another bar and it was more of a casual, social, chatty kind of area. It was a really awesome place and very different from the Tea Gardens, which is now our default location and the bouncer refers to me as "California" now. How original...(But the time before last that we went in there a drunk guy outside was yelling death threats at them "Im coming back with a gun and im going to shoot you in the face" Really?)Anyway...
The Ivy was good and Katie had started talking to a guy who she thought had a very familiar name. I had not spoken a word to him or had been introduced to him so KATIE asked me to ask him if he owned a Ferrari or a Maserati...she dared me to so of course I did it. I tapped his arm and said "Im sorry, I know this is a random question but are you by chance in the market for a Ferrari or a Maserati?" He looked at me and replied "I own a Maserati" my classy response was "Oh, Ok, just checking" and turned away. No no, I didnt look like a gold digger AT ALL. About ten minutes later he walked back over leaned into me and said "Is it time for me to trade up?" I laughed and tried to explain that Katie worked there and he told me that my question had totally thrown him off and left him very confused. I then directed his attention to Katie and left it at that. They chatted but she wasnt interested...oh you :)
After a bit we left and went to the Ivy's COMPLETE opposite Scruffy Murphy's which is an Irish pub.
I loved it. On any other night we all would have been on the dance floor but we decided at that point to just go home. Mostly because the guy we had met at the Tea Gardens, who works there, wasnt actually there as he should have been.
Jenah, Sarah and I went to the Tea Gardens and hung out with some people for awhile, who got kicked out for wrestling...they were like 40 years old...and we just talked for awhile.
It turns out that Sarah is most likely going home and we are SO bummed. She is kind of having a hard time finding a job so she may either go up to Brisbane or fly back to Devon...She is basically one of my favorite people ever and if you hear her tell a story she'll have you in stitches. SUCH BAD NEWS! Jenah is also thinking she may get fired from one of her jobs which kind of sucks but she hates it anyway...
All in all...sad sad news. Scottish Dan may be moving in with us if Sarah leaves which would be alright, but not the same :(
I found fifty dollars on the ground at the Ivy and no one seemed to have looked concerned that they were missing a fifty. Its THAT kind of place. And I really did find money, its not just one of those times where you tell a bad story and say..."Then I found fifty bucks" I did.
Hope all is well.
Last night we went downtown to this place called The Ivy

The Ivy was good and Katie had started talking to a guy who she thought had a very familiar name. I had not spoken a word to him or had been introduced to him so KATIE asked me to ask him if he owned a Ferrari or a Maserati...she dared me to so of course I did it. I tapped his arm and said "Im sorry, I know this is a random question but are you by chance in the market for a Ferrari or a Maserati?" He looked at me and replied "I own a Maserati" my classy response was "Oh, Ok, just checking" and turned away. No no, I didnt look like a gold digger AT ALL. About ten minutes later he walked back over leaned into me and said "Is it time for me to trade up?" I laughed and tried to explain that Katie worked there and he told me that my question had totally thrown him off and left him very confused. I then directed his attention to Katie and left it at that. They chatted but she wasnt interested...oh you :)
After a bit we left and went to the Ivy's COMPLETE opposite Scruffy Murphy's which is an Irish pub.

Jenah, Sarah and I went to the Tea Gardens and hung out with some people for awhile, who got kicked out for wrestling...they were like 40 years old...and we just talked for awhile.
It turns out that Sarah is most likely going home and we are SO bummed. She is kind of having a hard time finding a job so she may either go up to Brisbane or fly back to Devon...She is basically one of my favorite people ever and if you hear her tell a story she'll have you in stitches. SUCH BAD NEWS! Jenah is also thinking she may get fired from one of her jobs which kind of sucks but she hates it anyway...
All in all...sad sad news. Scottish Dan may be moving in with us if Sarah leaves which would be alright, but not the same :(
I found fifty dollars on the ground at the Ivy and no one seemed to have looked concerned that they were missing a fifty. Its THAT kind of place. And I really did find money, its not just one of those times where you tell a bad story and say..."Then I found fifty bucks" I did.
Hope all is well.

Friday, December 4, 2009
Saturday Slamdown
I think from here on out every Saturday im going to try and do the "Saturday Slamdown" which I have modified from my beautiful and brilliant cousin Tammy's "Things I love Thursdays". Tammy writes about things she loves about her family, Oregon, and basically just the little things that make life better. I have decided that the "slamdown" will be both things we love, but also things we arent too fond of about Australia, or maybe just things we have noticed.
Please forgive me, I can tell you already that this will not happen every Saturday, and sometimes it may be a Sunday (Ill try and stick with the alliteration) or it may not occur, either for lack of things we love or hate, or because I forgot...or am lazy :)
Today's might be a bit long because its not just from this week...but from the past 5. Excited? Good.
Some things we DO NOT LOVE
*The way Oreos taste. There is something about the cream filling that is just different and displeasing
*That we cannot find 1% or 2% milk. It's either straight up Milk or Light Milk...
*Tomato Sauce = Ketchup. No it does not. They are not the same thing Australia, get it together.
*The phrase "How are you going?" When first asked this question we were both taken off guard and made some stupid response. Mine was along the lines of "Uhh, going well. Yourself?" Clearly, not the proper response. Ive noticed most people just repeat the question back or say "Well" easy that response is
*Some men here are not very "chivalrous" I guess would be the term. We both have experienced being shoved out of the way while trying to go up an escalator. Or while we are trying to get off the train people wont let you out of your seat or will cut you off. Rude.
*Speaking of RUDE...Katie has been asked out or had her number asked for by two creepy guys who go into her work. JUST because you have a Ferrari DOES NOT mean youre entitled to be a huge condescending ass and expect her to cough it up. Idiots. (But I guess that isnt Australia specific). She has managed to preserve her precious phone number.
*McDonals is nicked name Maccas...what the hell?
*DAYTIME TELEVISION IS HORRIBLE. The news here is a joke, I think they make half of it up. But generally the commercials stress me out. ESPECIALLY since the actors teeth are, on average, poor. I had no idea that in the States we had an exceptionally high standard for teeth quality. I wouldnt survive anywhere else.
*Sydney is expensive
*a 6 pack of Corona is like 19.75. But its also imported from farther away so I guess it makes sense. But a fifth of vodka is like $35 (Not that I know or have been checking prices EVERYWHERE I go :)
*That people judge us instantaneously for being American. a story unto itself. ive had to keep a few people in check.
Things we LOVE
*Generally people are SO helpful. If you ask for help or directions people go out of their way to help you.
*Passion Pop

$6.50 and its like a flavored sparkling wine..thing
*The beach, yes this is the one right by our house

*There are so many people from so many different places SO close together
*The train system, apparently is sucks here but I like it better than home.
*All the harbors.
Ha- as a side note we asked our roommates what they though of as being stereotypically American and they said:
*Peanut butter and jelly Sandwiches
*Milk and cookies
*Fascination with having perfect teeth (I have proved this true many times over)
Thats all I can think of at the moment. I know I forgot a ton of stuff and I dont have Katie with me to keep me in check at the moment.
Anyway, our roommates also freaked us out and told us they were broke and may be leaving to go pick fruit in Tasmania...we'll see if that actually happens but its an intriguing thought to say the least. I think and hope they'll stay, we arent worried and think it will all be fine :)
Please forgive me, I can tell you already that this will not happen every Saturday, and sometimes it may be a Sunday (Ill try and stick with the alliteration) or it may not occur, either for lack of things we love or hate, or because I forgot...or am lazy :)
Today's might be a bit long because its not just from this week...but from the past 5. Excited? Good.
Some things we DO NOT LOVE
*The way Oreos taste. There is something about the cream filling that is just different and displeasing
*That we cannot find 1% or 2% milk. It's either straight up Milk or Light Milk...
*Tomato Sauce = Ketchup. No it does not. They are not the same thing Australia, get it together.
*The phrase "How are you going?" When first asked this question we were both taken off guard and made some stupid response. Mine was along the lines of "Uhh, going well. Yourself?" Clearly, not the proper response. Ive noticed most people just repeat the question back or say "Well" easy that response is
*Some men here are not very "chivalrous" I guess would be the term. We both have experienced being shoved out of the way while trying to go up an escalator. Or while we are trying to get off the train people wont let you out of your seat or will cut you off. Rude.
*Speaking of RUDE...Katie has been asked out or had her number asked for by two creepy guys who go into her work. JUST because you have a Ferrari DOES NOT mean youre entitled to be a huge condescending ass and expect her to cough it up. Idiots. (But I guess that isnt Australia specific). She has managed to preserve her precious phone number.
*McDonals is nicked name Maccas...what the hell?
*DAYTIME TELEVISION IS HORRIBLE. The news here is a joke, I think they make half of it up. But generally the commercials stress me out. ESPECIALLY since the actors teeth are, on average, poor. I had no idea that in the States we had an exceptionally high standard for teeth quality. I wouldnt survive anywhere else.
*Sydney is expensive
*a 6 pack of Corona is like 19.75. But its also imported from farther away so I guess it makes sense. But a fifth of vodka is like $35 (Not that I know or have been checking prices EVERYWHERE I go :)
*That people judge us instantaneously for being American. a story unto itself. ive had to keep a few people in check.
Things we LOVE
*Generally people are SO helpful. If you ask for help or directions people go out of their way to help you.
*Passion Pop

$6.50 and its like a flavored sparkling wine..thing
*The beach, yes this is the one right by our house

*There are so many people from so many different places SO close together
*The train system, apparently is sucks here but I like it better than home.
*All the harbors.
Ha- as a side note we asked our roommates what they though of as being stereotypically American and they said:
*Peanut butter and jelly Sandwiches
*Milk and cookies
*Fascination with having perfect teeth (I have proved this true many times over)
Thats all I can think of at the moment. I know I forgot a ton of stuff and I dont have Katie with me to keep me in check at the moment.
Anyway, our roommates also freaked us out and told us they were broke and may be leaving to go pick fruit in Tasmania...we'll see if that actually happens but its an intriguing thought to say the least. I think and hope they'll stay, we arent worried and think it will all be fine :)
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