The text message read "Russell Crowe just said hi to me!" Which was followed by a phone call that said "He bought me a coffee and I sat and talked with him and this famous rugby player!!Russell Crowe wrote Sam's number on a sandwich bag for me" My thought process... "Katie, you really are the luckiest person in the entire world" Sarah and I actually screamed into the phone like 14 year old girls at a Miley Cyrus concert. I informed her she couldnt go to the gym (which of course she did anyway) and had to come straight home and tell us all the details.
While we awaited her arrival Sarah and started making wedding plans. Apparently Sam Burgess

is one of the top rugby players from the UK and anyone who knows anything about rugby knows him. Of course Katie and I didnt. Anyway, Sarah and I were talking about how hilarious it would be if people started to ask how Sam and Katie met "Oh no big deal, Russel Crowe introduced them". What? Best story ever. We literally lamented our loss at not getting to meet him and how jealous we were.During this time Jenah came home from lunch with a friend and we had to regale her with Katie's went something like this:
Katie was sitting at the sandwich shop she goes to everyday for lunch.She was waiting for her order when she saw a cute guy walk in, she smiled, as per usual, and looked down. Then Russell Crowe walked up to her and said "Hello". After he walked by she texted all of us thinking that would be the extent of their conversation. RUSSELL FREAKING CROWE then walked back up to her and asked her where she was from etc. She responded and THEN he told her that his friend thought she was cute (the same friend indeed that she had noticed when he walked in) and asked her to join them. WHAT?. Naturally she did. They talked for awhile and Katie told us that Russell was the best wing man ever. He told her how Sam was from the UK and now plays for his Rugby team the South Sydney...Rabbitohrs? I believe. While Sam and Katie were talking Russell wrote down Sam's number on a sandwich bag and told her to call him. She said she would. Smart girl that Katie. Sarah was mortified that we might in the future get to hang out with a rugby team while she was at home in England...sometimes dreams come true Sarah, somtimes.
Katie did text him and they had set up to meet today aww :) Since none of us were working today we decided that we were going to go out hardcore in celebration of Katie getting bought a cappuccino by the man himself. Jenah and I are into doing really random things on random nights and seeing what happens so eventually we decided that we were going to dress up and go out in Darling Harbour. Somewhere that would probably be dead but Sarah, Jenah and I had splurged on bottle of vodka so we figured we would have a good time anyway. Poor Katie.
Dan, Katie, Sarah, Jenah and I caught a train to Townhall and walked to Darling Harbour and went into a random bar. Though, can I tell you that on the train ride Sarah was swinging around the poles inside the train? Our very own entertainment... the hidden talents that girl has ;)
We went into a random bar that I cant even remember the name of and sat down. Jenah and Sarah had some wine and Dan went out for a cigarette. When Jenah and Sarah were getting up, on their way to dance on top of some tables (yes it was one of THOSE nights) we hear a voice say "Have you girls ever been on a water taxi in the harbour?" We look up, and to our ASTONISHMENT Russell Crowe is standing before us...Jenah and Sarah say that we hadnt and he asks if we would like to. Yes, Russell, Yes we would. Then he recognized Katie and they had a moment. They hurried us onto the boat and we left Dan behind...SUCH douchebags...for some reason I think that was my fault. Idiot.
So the four of us get on this beautiful boat. Sarah, Jenah and I were, shall we say, feeling REALLY good so as we were getting on the boat you could hear Mr. Crowe saying "Easy, focus on a target. Look at a target and go for it". We made it on. We sat around this table and it was the four of us, Sam, another player from the team, I think his name is Nathan and two other rugby players who are apparently legends. Katie and I didnt know them either. There was also a waitress who kept bringing ou more and more alcohol (Sarah continued with the Vodka Diets and I continued with the wine. GOOOOOOD IDEA. Not)To be honest I cant remember what we talked about except that I was talking to Keith, Russell's "business manager"(aka personal assistant) and I kept trying to figure out what he actually did. Dry Cleaning. Anyhow, Katie and Sam were deep in conversation and Russell told them that if they had kids he expected one to be named Russell, I interjected "How about Russell Jacqueline?" Really? ugh.
While Katie and Sam were talking Sarah kept trying to get Sam's attention..."Sam, Sam...Hey hey Sam, Sam 'little wave'...SAM" He finally took notice of her and she just said "Gavin Henson and Charlotte Church?" (they are apparently famous people in the UK) He looked at her and goes "Yea, do you know them?" She looked at his with an expression of knowing and said "Yep". That was it..after ten minutes of work.
Something else to note...Sarah has a celebrity hysteria and anytime she sees anyone famous she basically cracks and goes ballistic, hyperventilating...the whole shebang. So this was a HUGE deal. Throughout the night she had to get pep talks from Jenah that went something like this "Sarah, youre ok, just keep it together a little longer and you can freak out when we get home. Youre doing good" And she did. But..she did get told of by Russell "Sarah, calm down. Just chill out". None of us can remember what she did to get this reaction. Hilarious.
The next thing I remember is getting off the boat and hearing Russell say, "Watch the wet step. Careful. The wet one watch out". You think im going to fall at this point dont you? NOooo I made it. Then we got in a taxi and went home.
I woke up this morning to find out that the boat had been docked because I fell asleep...on the table. Not sprawled out, but enough for the boat to be DOCKED. We also had been given food. At one point I had been passed out, Jenah had been shoving food into her face like a "savage" and Sarah was coming back from the bathroom walking like Godzilla because she was scared she was going to tip over because of the waves, yea...the waves. Russell came to her aid and helped her sit down. Aw.
But pooor Katie...her roommates go big one night not worrying about going to work hungover and we meet RUSSELL FREAKING CROWE and the guy she is going out on a date-ish thing with. WHAT? I also had LOST my wallet. Could not find it anywhere in the house and was convinced I had lost it on the way to get a cab. Katie called the driver and he said he would look. Katie calls me later to tell me that Sam had my wallet. Apparently, I threw it to Russell Crowe and had forgotten it. It went something like this...
Russel CROWE told me I should go have a look from the back of the boat and as I go over there he tells me to hand him my wallet so I dont lose it over the side(I feel like he really KNEW me) My response "Nope. You might steal something" What? Katie said "Jacque really?" (As in what the hell do YOU have that RUSSELL CROWE would want) and then she told me she would take it. I said"No, Ill give it to Russell" and I threw my wallet at Russell. Apparently he did steal it :)
All of this occured and NONE of us have a camera...which is probably better for us in the long run. Especially since when we got home Sarah BURST into tears. We're talking mascara all down her face, tears flowing like the Nile, screaming sobbing hysterics. Apparently she told Jenah she needed to go for a walk to get herself together. An hour and a half later Jenah and Dan found her in a convenience store fighting with the guy for giving her a faulty calling card(She needed to call and tell her Mum the news). When she had initially walked into the store the guy that worked there had been passed out (looking something like I did on the boat im sure) and so SARAH, before waking him, snuck a few candies and left the wrappers on he counter. The perfect crime.
The three of them walked back to the apartment and got home at like 5am. Jenah and Sarah woke up at 830am to go on a walking tour of Sydney. Well played.
Katie should be out with Sam right now...hopefully apologizing for my, tiredness, Jenah's starvation and Sarah's continuous star-struck expression....what a night. Happy Monday.
Great Story Jacque. See you on the 24th.
ReplyDeleteJac, this is probably why Russsell was talking to you about Michigan....
ReplyDeleteCrowe is a big supporter of the University of Michigan Wolverines American football team, an interest that stems from his friendship with former Wolverines coach Lloyd Carr. Carr used Crowe's movie Cinderella Man to motivate his team in 2006 following a disappointing 7-5 season the previous year. Upon hearing of this, Crowe called Carr and invited him to Australia to address his Rugby league team the South Sydney Rabbitohs, an offer Carr took Crowe up on the following summer. In September 2007, after Carr came under fire following the Wolverines' 0-2 start, Crowe traveled to Ann Arbor, Michigan for the Wolverines' 15 September game against Notre Dame to show his support for Carr. He addressed the team before the game and watched from the sidelines as the Wolverines defeated the Irish 38-0.