Please forgive me, I can tell you already that this will not happen every Saturday, and sometimes it may be a Sunday (Ill try and stick with the alliteration) or it may not occur, either for lack of things we love or hate, or because I forgot...or am lazy :)
Today's might be a bit long because its not just from this week...but from the past 5. Excited? Good.
Some things we DO NOT LOVE
*The way Oreos taste. There is something about the cream filling that is just different and displeasing
*That we cannot find 1% or 2% milk. It's either straight up Milk or Light Milk...
*Tomato Sauce = Ketchup. No it does not. They are not the same thing Australia, get it together.
*The phrase "How are you going?" When first asked this question we were both taken off guard and made some stupid response. Mine was along the lines of "Uhh, going well. Yourself?" Clearly, not the proper response. Ive noticed most people just repeat the question back or say "Well" easy that response is
*Some men here are not very "chivalrous" I guess would be the term. We both have experienced being shoved out of the way while trying to go up an escalator. Or while we are trying to get off the train people wont let you out of your seat or will cut you off. Rude.
*Speaking of RUDE...Katie has been asked out or had her number asked for by two creepy guys who go into her work. JUST because you have a Ferrari DOES NOT mean youre entitled to be a huge condescending ass and expect her to cough it up. Idiots. (But I guess that isnt Australia specific). She has managed to preserve her precious phone number.
*McDonals is nicked name Maccas...what the hell?
*DAYTIME TELEVISION IS HORRIBLE. The news here is a joke, I think they make half of it up. But generally the commercials stress me out. ESPECIALLY since the actors teeth are, on average, poor. I had no idea that in the States we had an exceptionally high standard for teeth quality. I wouldnt survive anywhere else.
*Sydney is expensive
*a 6 pack of Corona is like 19.75. But its also imported from farther away so I guess it makes sense. But a fifth of vodka is like $35 (Not that I know or have been checking prices EVERYWHERE I go :)
*That people judge us instantaneously for being American. a story unto itself. ive had to keep a few people in check.
Things we LOVE
*Generally people are SO helpful. If you ask for help or directions people go out of their way to help you.
*Passion Pop

$6.50 and its like a flavored sparkling wine..thing
*The beach, yes this is the one right by our house

*There are so many people from so many different places SO close together
*The train system, apparently is sucks here but I like it better than home.
*All the harbors.
Ha- as a side note we asked our roommates what they though of as being stereotypically American and they said:
*Peanut butter and jelly Sandwiches
*Milk and cookies
*Fascination with having perfect teeth (I have proved this true many times over)
Thats all I can think of at the moment. I know I forgot a ton of stuff and I dont have Katie with me to keep me in check at the moment.
Anyway, our roommates also freaked us out and told us they were broke and may be leaving to go pick fruit in Tasmania...we'll see if that actually happens but its an intriguing thought to say the least. I think and hope they'll stay, we arent worried and think it will all be fine :)
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