Thursday, December 10, 2009

Good Night/Bad News/ Mad Money

Nothing too interesting has been going on with the traveling front as Jenah and I are just getting under way with our jobs and are trying to save so we can actually go places with Katie but our nights out (where WE havent spent any money) have been really good.

Last night we went downtown to this place called The Ivy

which has won a bunch of awards. Sarah and I took the train and met Jenah, who was coming from work and then walked over to the Ivy where Katie was waiting for us with one of her coworkers Billy, who seems so sweet from the two seconds I talked to her. The setting is really great at this place, you walk in into a large courtyard and there is big tree in the middle of the floor and you look up and its actually outside. The crowd was very corporate with most of the men in button ups and suit pants etc. The middle of the floor turned into a dance stage kind of deal and there were two bars downstairs. If you went up the spiral staircase there was another bar and it was more of a casual, social, chatty kind of area. It was a really awesome place and very different from the Tea Gardens, which is now our default location and the bouncer refers to me as "California" now. How original...(But the time before last that we went in there a drunk guy outside was yelling death threats at them "Im coming back with a gun and im going to shoot you in the face" Really?)Anyway...

The Ivy was good and Katie had started talking to a guy who she thought had a very familiar name. I had not spoken a word to him or had been introduced to him so KATIE asked me to ask him if he owned a Ferrari or a Maserati...she dared me to so of course I did it. I tapped his arm and said "Im sorry, I know this is a random question but are you by chance in the market for a Ferrari or a Maserati?" He looked at me and replied "I own a Maserati" my classy response was "Oh, Ok, just checking" and turned away. No no, I didnt look like a gold digger AT ALL. About ten minutes later he walked back over leaned into me and said "Is it time for me to trade up?" I laughed and tried to explain that Katie worked there and he told me that my question had totally thrown him off and left him very confused. I then directed his attention to Katie and left it at that. They chatted but she wasnt interested...oh you :)

After a bit we left and went to the Ivy's COMPLETE opposite Scruffy Murphy's which is an Irish pub. I loved it. On any other night we all would have been on the dance floor but we decided at that point to just go home. Mostly because the guy we had met at the Tea Gardens, who works there, wasnt actually there as he should have been.

Jenah, Sarah and I went to the Tea Gardens and hung out with some people for awhile, who got kicked out for wrestling...they were like 40 years old...and we just talked for awhile.

It turns out that Sarah is most likely going home and we are SO bummed. She is kind of having a hard time finding a job so she may either go up to Brisbane or fly back to Devon...She is basically one of my favorite people ever and if you hear her tell a story she'll have you in stitches. SUCH BAD NEWS! Jenah is also thinking she may get fired from one of her jobs which kind of sucks but she hates it anyway...

All in all...sad sad news. Scottish Dan may be moving in with us if Sarah leaves which would be alright, but not the same :(

I found fifty dollars on the ground at the Ivy and no one seemed to have looked concerned that they were missing a fifty. Its THAT kind of place. And I really did find money, its not just one of those times where you tell a bad story and say..."Then I found fifty bucks" I did.

Hope all is well.


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