Thursday, December 24, 2009

Saturday Slamdown, Thursday Style

Things we do not love this week and what is to come. ----
1. That we drove our Sarah to the airport today...back to England...I strongly dislike that place at the moment. What are we going to do without our only "respectable member of the community"!?
2. A cyclone is on its way. It should be here on Christmas day, which for us, is tomorrow. It will then rain the next 4 days. Thank you Henry for bringing this weather with you. Debbie= Sunshine.
3. People at local stores are currently being rude due to the high volume of stupid customers asking stupid questions. We, of course, are not those stupid people and our questions are not stupid. Love us for being intelligent.
4. That so much candy and cookies were brought by Katie's family....The Holiday season has really been felt around the waistline.
5. Working on Boxing Day, with a sale...where people will SURELY ask stupid questions about outdoor wear.
6. Handwashing dishes. All day long...dishes
7. Tiny refrigerators. Where shall I put these eggs? Or leftovers? And WHY do you leak all over the floor. Funny story..the refrigerator leaked and I walked into the kitchen and totally slipped. Yes, feet in the air landed on my but. Mmmhm. No one was home. I had to appreciate the hilarity by myself.
8. Freaking Debbie's 2 in 1 washer/ dryer. Sounds like a dream come true right? After paying 6 bucks to do a load of laundry... having it readily available seemed like the most perfect opportunity.... FALSE. Literally it took over 3 hours to do ONE load of laundry. It was also funny at the start Katie and Debbie thought I messed up the machine because it looked like there were bubbles in while the clothes were dry. No guys...I did not put soap in on a machine wash. (I really thought I may have though. Just my luck)

Things we LOVE!

1. The fact that it's now officially Christmas and we're sitting in the Groth's living room to their apartment 2 minutes from the beach while Debbie Katie and Ryan nurse their sunburns.
2. That we have cookies and candies that are making us fat! Wooo!
3. That we are watching a movie staring our BFF Russell Crowe
4. The book im currently reading "The Secret Servant"
5. Ice Cream
6. Hurricanes. Delic restaurant Debbie took Katie and I to.
7. Darling Harbour
8. Dates on the pier.
9. New drinking challenges at the Heartbreak Hotel...the epic tale of moving from Passion Pop to Vodka....
10. Getting mail. Still about the best thing ever. If you forgot our address...dont hesitate to ask.

1 comment:

  1. Wait, I can comment on this now? Awesome! Wait, so if you like getting mail, does that mean that you got mine?

